Sixpoint Brewery will be coming to Mudville next week for our event on Oct 3rd!
The name "Sixpoint" is by no means an insignificant nomenclature - it is
connected to a symbol that has been synonymous with the craft of
brewing going back centuries. Since at least the year 1300, brewers
adorned their barrels and breweries with a six-pointed star. By the
1500s, the star became the official insignia of the Brewer's Guild, one
of the first trade guilds of Europe. The star symbolized the purity of
the craft, and folklore claims the six individual points each represent
six different critical elements of the craft itself: grain, water,
hops, yeast, malt, and the brewer.
Since 2004, Sixpoint has made hundreds of different beers, and there is
no plan to stop this proliferation of styles. Their core brews are
available year-round, but they also have rotating and seasonal varieties.
In addition, they have several unique ongoing series of beers and super
rare brews that are made one time only. Find out more about these wide
range of styles and their availability and format under their Beer Menu.